Writing a parser

This section describes the nearley grammar language, in which you can describe grammars for nearley to parse. Grammars are conventionally kept in .ne files. You can then use nearleyc to compile your .ne grammars to JavaScript modules.

You can find many examples of nearley grammars online, as well as some in the examples/ directory of the Github repository.


By default, nearley attempts to parse the first nonterminal defined in the grammar. In the following grammar, nearley will try to parse input text as an expression.

expression -> number "+" number
expression -> number "-" number
expression -> number "*" number
expression -> number "/" number
number -> [0-9]:+

You can use the pipe character | to separate alternative rules for a nonterminal. In the example below, expression has four different rules.

expression ->
    number "+" number
  | number "-" number
  | number "*" number
  | number "/" number

The keyword null stands for the epsilon rule, which matches nothing. The following nonterminal matches zero or more cows in a row, such as cowcowcow:

a -> null | a "cow"

Matching Rules

Syntax for matching input if you’re not using a tokenizer.

(1) i suffix will not work with a lexer if you’re using one. Your lexer should use the i flag in its regexes instead.

(2) RegExp charsets will not work with tokenizer.


By default, nearley wraps everything matched by a rule into an array. For example, when rule -> "tick" "tock" matches the string "ticktock", it creates the “parse tree” ["tick", "tock"]. Most of the time, however, you need to process that data in some way: for example, you may want to filter out whitespace, or transform the results into a custom JavaScript object.

For this purpose, each rule can have a postprocessor: a JavaScript function that transforms the array and returns a “processed” version of the result. Postprocessors are wrapped in {% %}s:

expression -> number "+" number {%
    function(data) {
        return {
            operator: "sum",
            leftOperand:  data[0],
            rightOperand: data[2] // data[1] is "+"

The rule above will parse the string 5+10 into { operator: "sum", leftOperand: 5, rightOperand: 10 }.

The postprocessor can be any function with signature function(data, location, reject). Here,

nearley provides one built-in postprocessor:

More syntax: tips and tricks


Comments are marked with ‘#’. Everything from # to the end of a line is ignored:

expression -> number "+" number # sum of two numbers


nearley supports the *, ?, and + operators from EBNF as shown:

batman -> "na":* "batman" # nananana...nanabatman

You can also use capture groups with parentheses. Its contents can be anything that a rule can have:

banana -> "ba" ("na" {% id %} | "NA" {% id %}):+


Macros allow you to create polymorphic rules:

# Matches "'Hello?' 'Hello?' 'Hello?'"
matchThree[X] -> $X " " $X " " $X
inQuotes[X] -> "'" $X "'"

main -> matchThree[inQuotes["Hello?"]]

Macros are dynamically scoped, which means they see arguments passed to parent macros:

# Matches "Cows oink." and "Cows moo!"
sentence[ANIMAL, PUNCTUATION] -> animalGoes[("moo" | "oink" | "baa")] $PUNCTUATION
animalGoes[SOUND] -> $ANIMAL " " $SOUND # uses $ANIMAL from its caller

main -> sentence["Cows", ("." | "!")]

Macros are expanded at compile time and inserted in places they are used. They are not “real” rules. Therefore, macros cannot be recursive (nearleyc will go into an infinite loop trying to expand the macro-loop). They must also be defined before they are used.

Additional JS

For more intricate postprocessors, or any other functionality you may need, you can include chunks of JavaScript code between production rules by surrounding it with @{% ... %}:

const cowSays = require("./cow.js");

cow -> "moo" {% ([moo]) => cowSays(moo) %}

Note that it doesn’t matter where you add these; they all get hoisted to the top of the generated code.

Importing other grammars

You can include the content of other grammar files:

@include "../misc/primitives.ne" # path relative to file being compiled
sum -> number "+" number # uses "number" from the included file

There are some common nonterminals like “integer” and “double-quoted string” that ship with nearley to help you prototype grammars efficiently. You can include them using the @builtin directive:

@builtin "number.ne"
main -> int:+

(Note that we mean “efficient” in the sense that you can get them set up very quickly. The builtins are inefficient in the sense that they make your parser slower. For a “real” project, you would want to switch to a lexer and implement these primitives yourself!)

See the builtin/ directory on Github for more details. Contributions are welcome!

Note that including a file imports all of the nonterminals defined in it, as well as any JS, macros, and configuration options defined there.

What’s next?

Now that you have a grammar, you’re ready to learn how to use it to build a parser!