Fedora Packages

texlive-projlib Subpackage of texlive

A series of tools to simplify your workflow

The ProjLib Toolkit contains a collection of tools that help you write LaTeX documents. With PJLtoolkit loaded, you no longer need to set up the theorem-like environments, nor to manually configure the appropriate multilingual settings. In addition, a series of auxiliary functionalities are introduced. The bundle contains: PJLamssim.sty Simulate some features of amsart in the standard classes PJLauthor.sty Enhanced author information block Offers \address, \curraddr and \email PJLdate.sty Offers a macro \PJLdate to convert yyyy-mm-dd to normal datetime format, with multi-language support PJLdraft.sty Useful macros during the draft stage: \dnf and \needgraph, with multi-language support PJLlang.sty Multi-language configuration based on babel or polyglossia Offers \UseLanguage, \UseOtherLanguage and \AddLanguageSetting Currently supports Chinese (simplified and traditional), English, French, German, Japanese and Russian, more to be added PJLlogo.sty Draw the ProjLib logo PJLpaper.sty Paper style configuration: yellow theme, dark theme, and nord theme PJLthm.sty Theorem setup and configuration Offers a macro \CreateTheorem for creating theorem-like environments with multi-language support Preset environments include: assumption, axiom, conjecture, convention, corollary, definition, definition-proposition, definition-theorem, example, exercise, fact, hypothesis, lemma, notation, problem, property, proposition, question, remark, theorem, and the corresponding unnumbered versions with an asterisk * in the name. PJLtoolkit.sty, the all-in-one solution A collective interface of ProjLib Toolkit Provide some pre-defined font configuration

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora Rawhide svn59347-48.fc36 -
Fedora 35 svn59347-45.fc35 -

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You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at texlive dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

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