Fedora Packages


Production-quality 'Min' and 'Max' objects

The peak.util.extremes module provides a production-quality implementation of the Min and Max objects from PEP 326. While PEP 326 was rejected for inclusion in the language or standard library, the objects described in it are useful in a variety of applications. In PEAK, they have been used to implement generic functions (in RuleDispatch and PEAK-Rules), as well as to handle scheduling and time operations in the Trellis. Because this has led to each project copying the same code, we've now split the module out so it can be used independently.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
EPEL 7 1.1.1-6.el7 -
Package Info

You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at python-peak-util-extremes dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

Sources on Pagure