Fedora Packages

python3-fasjson-client+cli-0.1.2-1.fc34 in Fedora 34

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Date Author Change
2021-03-30 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.2-1 - version 0.1.2
2021-01-27 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 0.1.1-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild
2020-12-04 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.1-6 - don't provide fasjson-client from the Python package
2020-12-04 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.1-5 - fall back to unpinned Python 3 version where this makes problems (F32)
2020-12-04 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.1-4 - move runtime deps to the right place, d'oh, and trim them down (old jsonschema doesn't need pyrsistent) - pin Python version with Python dependencies
2020-12-03 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.1-3 - add missing dependencies of the CLI package on EL8
2020-12-03 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.1-2 - add missing dependencies of dependencies on EL8 - add obsoletes for seamless updates
2020-12-02 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.1-1 - version 0.1.1 - provide CLI subpackages (from F-33 on) - relax cryptography and toml version requirements to accommodate EL8
2020-11-23 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - 0.1.0-1 - version 0.1.0 - don't run tests on EPEL8 (too many missing deps)
2020-11-20 Nils Philippsen <nils at redhat dot com> - relax some dependency versions and run tests



  • python-fasjson-client+cli
  • python3-fasjson-client+cli
  • python3.9-fasjson-client+cli
  • python3.9dist(fasjson-client[cli])
  • python3dist(fasjson-client[cli])


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