Fedora Packages

postgresql-server-14.1-1.fc36 in Fedora Rawhide

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2022-01-05 Filip Januš <fjanus at redhat dot com> - 14.1-1 - Update to 14.1 - Update postgresql-setup to v8.7 - Resolves: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/PostgreSQL_14
2021-12-13 Marek Kulik <mkulik at redhat dot com> - 13.5-1 - Update to 13.5 Remove patch postgresql-pgcrypto-openssl3-init.patch - already in upstream
2021-11-18 Marek Kulik <mkulik at redhat dot com> - 13.4-5 - Update postgresql-setup to v8.6
2021-10-19 Filip Januš <fjanus at redhat dot com> - 13.4-4 - rebuild after llvm .so name chnage
2021-10-06 Filip Januš <fjanus at redhat dot com> - 13.4-3 - Add patch 13 - corrects initialization of ciphers - Add patch 14 - disable unsupported ciphers in test suite
2021-09-14 Sahana Prasad <sahana at redhat dot com> - 13.4-2 - Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0
2021-08-12 Filip Januš <fjanus at rehdat dot com> - 13.4-1 - Update to 13.4 - Disable postgresql-subtransaction-test.patch now succeeds without patch
2021-07-23 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 13.3-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild
2021-07-20 Filip Januš <fjanus at redhat dot com> - 13.3-4 - Enable ssl and other features for upgrade server
2021-06-04 Honza Horak <hhorak at redhat dot com> - 13.3-3 - Build with a private libpq Resolves: #1905584


  • bundled(postgresql-setup)
  • config(postgresql-server)
  • postgresql-server
  • postgresql-server(:MODULE_COMPAT_14)
  • postgresql-server(x86-64)


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