Fedora Packages


Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers

Hook::LexWrap allows you to install a pre- or post-wrapper (or both) around an existing subroutine. Unlike other modules that provide this capacity (e.g. Hook::PreAndPost and Hook::WrapSub), Hook::LexWrap implements wrappers in such a way that the standard `caller' function works correctly within the wrapped subroutine.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
Fedora Rawhide 0.26-15.fc35 -
Fedora 35 0.26-15.fc35 -
Fedora 34 0.26-13.fc34 -
EPEL 9 0.26-6.el9 -
EPEL 8 0.26-6.el8 -
Package Info

You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at perl-Hook-LexWrap dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

Sources on Pagure