Fedora Packages

liboath-2.6.2-1.el7 in EPEL 7

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2019-06-07 Simone Caronni <negativo17 at gmail dot com> - 2.6.2-1 - Align with master, required for SHA256 hashes used in FreeIPA 4.6 (RHEL) TOTP tokens.
2015-12-08 Than Ngo <than at redhat dot com> - 2.4.1-9 - fix build failure related to missing automake-1.14
2014-11-11 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad at redhat dot com> - 2.4.1-8 - Removed RHEL conditionals (not needed any more)
2014-11-07 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad at redhat dot com> - 2.4.1-7 - Added check for strdup failure (by strdup-null-check patch) Resolves: rhbz#1161360
2014-08-17 Fedora Release Engineering <rel dash eng at lists dot fedoraproject dot org> - 2.4.1-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild
2014-08-05 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad at redhat dot com> - 2.4.1-5 - Added support for RHEL (i.e. no PSKC yet on RHEL)
2014-06-07 Fedora Release Engineering <rel dash eng at lists dot fedoraproject dot org> - 2.4.1-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild
2014-02-20 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad at redhat dot com> - 2.4.1-3 - Added xmlsec1-openssl to requires Resolves: rhbz#1066477
2014-02-17 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad at redhat dot com> - 2.4.1-2 - Added xmlsec1-openssl-devel to buildrequires
2014-02-13 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad at redhat dot com> - 2.4.1-1 - New version Resolves: rhbz#1064764


  • bundled(gnulib)
  • liboath
  • liboath(x86-64)
  • liboath.so.0()(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_1.10.0)(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_1.12.0)(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_1.2.0)(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_1.4.0)(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_1.6.0)(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_1.8.0)(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_2.2.0)(64bit)
  • liboath.so.0(LIBOATH_2.6.0)(64bit)


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