Fedora Packages

gromacs-libs-2018.8-1.el7 in EPEL 7

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2019-10-04 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.8-1 - Version bump to 2018.8
2019-06-07 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.7-1 - Version bump to 2018.7
2019-02-24 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.6-1 - Version bump to 2018.6, 2019.1 cannot be build due to missing deps
2019-02-14 Orion Poplawski <orion at nwra dot com> - 2018.5-2 - Rebuild for openmpi 3.1.3
2019-02-01 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.5-1 - Version bump to 2018.5
2019-02-01 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 2018.4-1.1 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
2018-11-12 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.4-1 - Version bump to 2018.4 - Re-added gromacs-issue-2366.patch for f28 and lower
2018-11-08 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.3-2 - Enable OpenCL for some archs on epel7 - Drop gromacs-issue-2366.patch (bug #1558206) - seems to be fixed
2018-11-02 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.3-1 - Version bump to 2018.3 - Major spec files clean up
2018-07-18 Christoph Junghans <junghans at votca dot org> - 2018.2-1 - Version bump to 2018.2 (bug #1591052) - Add support for lmfit-7 (patch will be part of v2019) - Switch to OpenBlas (bug #1602822) - Disable brittle regressiontests


  • gromacs-libs
  • gromacs-libs(x86-64)
  • libgromacs.so.3()(64bit)
  • libgromacs_d.so.3()(64bit)


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