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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date | Author | Change |
2014-06-10 | Jens Petersen <petersen at redhat dot com> - 0.10.7-3 | - update to cblrpm-0.8.11 |
2014-06-07 | Fedora Release Engineering <rel dash eng at lists dot fedoraproject dot org> - 0.10.7-2 | - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild |
2014-03-17 | Dan Callaghan <dcallagh at redhat dot com> - 0.10.7-1 | - upstream release 0.10.7 |
2014-02-20 | Dan Callaghan <dcallagh at redhat dot com> - 0.10.6-2 | - rebuilt for updated ghc-libxml-sax |
2014-02-19 | Dan Callaghan <dcallagh at redhat dot com> - 0.10.6-1 | - upstream release 0.10.6 (again no effective changes, just more relaxing of version requirements) |
2014-02-03 | Dan Callaghan <dcallagh at redhat dot com> - 0.10.5-1 | - upstream release 0.10.5 (no effective changes, upstream just relaxed the version requirement for cereal) |
2013-07-17 | Dan Callaghan <dcallagh at redhat dot com> - 0.10.4-2 | - update for new guidelines (cabal-rpm 0.8.2) |
2013-05-13 | Dan Callaghan <dcallagh at redhat dot com> - 0.10.4-1 | - initial version |