Fedora Packages

gearhead1-SDL-1.310-6.fc34 in Fedora 34

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Package Info (Data from x86_64 build)
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Date Author Change
2021-01-26 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1.310-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild
2020-07-27 Fedora Release Engineering <releng at fedoraproject dot org> - 1.310-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild
2020-05-18 Artur Iwicki <fedora at svgames dot pl> - 1.310-4 - Fix DOS line endings in files
2020-05-15 Artur Iwicki <fedora at svgames dot pl> - 1.310-3 - Use fc-match to find system fonts instead of using hard-coded paths - Add an appdata.xml file
2020-04-22 Artur Iwicki <fedora at svgames dot pl> - 1.310-2 - Build both the SDL and the textmode version of the game - Put the SDL and textmode versions in separate subpackages - Move images and fonts out of -data into -data-gfx - Fix one of the fonts being symlinked wrong - Add some icons and a desktop file
2020-04-11 Artur Iwicki <fedora at svgames dot pl> - 1.310-1 - Initial packaging


  • application()
  • application(gearhead1-sdl.desktop)
  • gearhead1-SDL
  • gearhead1-SDL(x86-64)
  • gearhead1-bin(x86-64)
  • metainfo()
  • metainfo(gearhead1-sdl.appdata.xml)


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