Fedora Packages

airtsp-doc-1.01.2-2.el7 in EPEL 7

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Date Author Change
2020-05-08 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> - 1.01.2-2 - Rebuild for SOCI 4.0.0
2015-06-13 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> - 1.01.2-1 - Aligned on StdAir for the CMake helper files.
2015-04-18 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> - 1.01.1-2 - On Fedora 22+, ZeroMQ v2 is no longer the default.
2013-08-12 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> - 1.01.1-1 - Took into account feedback from review request (BZ#972431): airtsp-config now supports multilib (32 and 64bit versions). - Upstream update
2013-07-29 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> - 1.01.0-3 - Fixed the docdir issue, following the F20 System Wide Change - Rebuild for boost 1.54.0
2013-06-12 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> 1.01.0-2 - Added a dependency on graphviz and texlive-utils (epstopdf), so as build the documentation with figures
2013-06-08 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> 1.01.0-1 - Renamed the package, from AirSched to AirTSP, due to trademark issue with Plancor
2011-10-26 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> 0.1.2-1 - Upstream update
2011-08-20 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> 0.1.1-1 - Upstream update - Took into account the feedback from various review requests (bugs #732205,
2011-08-20 Denis Arnaud <denis dot arnaud_fedora at m4x dot org> 0.1.0-1 - First RPM release


  • airtsp-doc


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