Fedora Packages


Simple dependency graph management in JavaScript

This is a Node.js module for simple dependency graph management in JavaScript. Say you have a set of resources that depend on each other in some way. These resources can be anything (eg, files, chains of command etc.). All that matters is that each one has a unique string identifier, and a list of direct dependencies. dep-graph makes it easy to compute "chains" of dependencies, with guaranteed logical ordering and no duplicates. That's trivial in most cases, but if A depends on B and B depends on A, a naïve dependency graph would get trapped in an infinite loop. dep-graph throws an error if any such "cycles" are detected.

Releases Overview

Release Stable Testing
EPEL 7 1.1.0-6.el7 -
Package Info

You can contact the maintainers of this package via email at nodejs-dep-graph dash maintainers at fedoraproject dot org.

Sources on Pagure